March 2024

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Issue Summary

Enjoy four fantastic layouts - Rolvenden (P4), Brunswick Yard (OO), Oakhurst Town (S7), Lochdubh (N) - plus we show you how to Model spring trees, animate a street scene in N, weather an abandoned wagon and loads more, including a review of Hornby 2MT and 88DS, Bachmann & Graham Farish HRA hoppers.

On Sale: 25/01/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

What’s Inside BRM March…

* Rolvenden (P4)
* Brunswick Yard (OO)
* Oakhurst Town (S7)
* Lochdubh (N)

* Modelling spring trees
* Animate a street scene in N
* How to weather an abandoned wagon
* Second-hand restoration projects with BIG savings
* Build a GWR signal box
* Build a white metal fire engine
* Modelling wagon loads – top tips

* Reviews of the new Hornby 2MT and 88DS, Bachmann & Graham Farish HRA hoppers, Accurascale MDW 21T scrap wagons, plus much more
* Model Rail Scotland and London Festival of Railway Modelling – show previews
* Modelling inspiration: Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway
* A round-up of the latest headlines from the model railway world this month, including the Hornby 2024 announcements

Enjoy the issue!

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