Yesterday submits plans for a new series of The Architecture The Railways Built

17 August 2022
UKTV has commissioned a fourth series of The Architecture The Railways Built, presented by railway historian, Tim Dunn.

The Architecture The Railways Built celebrates the construction feats and incredible design behind some of our biggest - and smallest - stations, discovering their secrets and how they shaped modern Britain. Stations range from the enduringly Victorian Lincoln to modernist Coventry to cutting-edge 21st century London Bridge, along with other railway structures such as medieval-inspired Knaresborough Viaduct, the underpass and coal drops in Halifax and Scarborough's seaside Cliff Lifts.

Tim and the crew are afforded privileged access to many, usually off-limits, places, with locations planned for this series including the Forth Bridge and the construction site at Dawlish Sea Wall.

Yesterday channel director, Gerald Casey said, "I love this programme and I'm delighted we're bringing it back again for Yesterday. Tim is basically living all railway enthusiasts' dreams as he visits these wonderful buildings and structures, uncovers their history and unashamedly shares his passion with our viewers."

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The Architecture The Railways Built is filming now and will air on Yesterday in Q1 2023. All previous episodes are available for catch-up on demand on UKTV Play.


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Dear Tim Dunn When you are making the item on the Halifax coal drops, could you spare a few minutes to pop down the road to Alder St Huddersfield and the Hillhouse coal drops? Built in 1900 by the LNWR and grade 2 listed. Behind an 8ft wall with a couple of gate openings, behind an unsightly pallisade fence and almost completely obscured by rampant vegetation around and on top...I would have thought an important consideration for a listed building is that it can be seen and understood and appreciated. (It you give me your email I can send you some photos) Ok it's not St Paul's cathedral, but disappointing it's so little respected

Posted by Robert Knell on Fri 26 Aug 19:16:26