Osborns Models creates wheel bearings 'in-house'

09 February 2021
Claiming it has been unable to obtain quality variants for months, the retailer outsources exclusive manufacture of bearings to its own design, suitable for 4mm:1ft scale kits and scratch-builders alike.

Model retailer, Osborns Models has released a new pack of 'top hat' bearings (OCWW) in packs of 50 under its Arch Laser range of products. Made to its own specifications, the shouldered brass pin-point axle bearing cups are suitable as direct replacements for the Romford 4mm:1ft scale types, which Osborns has said it has "been unable to source for months."

Of interest to kit, scratch-builders, or those looking to upgrade the running qualities of older rolling stock, top-hat bearings provide better running qualities by reducing friction on axles.

For more details, including current pricing and availability of these new packs, visit the Osborns Models website.

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