New Train-O-Matic SPP Nano Stayalive

17 July 2024
Train-O-Matic has produced a new stayalive in its factory in Romania: a tiny, tiny electronics board with the smallest supercaps.

If you are limited with space in your DCC-equipped locomotive and you experience loss of power when running it, then this could be the answer to this problem. As we see the desire for models with sound increase, a Stayalive or Powerpack is essential and the SPP Nano will give between 3-6 seconds of extra power, depending on the active features of the model.

A Tramfabriek exclusive is that the SPP Nano is also offered with a connector that plugs into the Hornby HM7000 Bluetooth decoders. The SPP Nano is smaller, plus it makes it possible to spread the two supercaps at different locations in the model. As long as the supercaps are connected in series, it doesn’t matter where they are.

Now available from

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