Get your layout Jubilee ready

25 May 2022
As we approach the Queen's Platinum Jubilee weekend, your layout can enter into the spirit of the celebrations with this range of 4 and 2mm scale bunting.

Produced my ScaleModelScenery, the bunting is pre-printed and pre-cut, only needing to be released from the sheet by cutting some tiny nibs holding it in place.

Two versions are available - straight and festooned. The festooned sheet has both 20mm and 42mm swags in 4mm scale.

We used some Deluxe Materials "Tacky Wax" to hold the bunting in place temporarily on our shops (read how we created these here).

BRM's Phil Parker says, "I once had to make some bunting for a project and it was an incredibly fiddly job making little flags and sticking them to a piece of wire. Using this laser-cut version is a lot easier."

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More details can be found on the Scalemodelscenery website.


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