25 September 2019
Observation is everything when it comes to creating a low-cost detailed rock face.
Rock faces and cliffs are distinguishing features of many locations. They’re prevalent in nature, and are a common feature resulting from the construction of railway lines where rock is exposed when making cuttings and building tunnels. It should be part of your study of the topography of an area you're modelling.
The rock face we’ve modelled here is generic and demonstrates the techniques I use, but you should research the type of rock you want to model and take reference photographs of the colouration and structure for later use. It’s not particularly difficult to make and you can create dramatic scenery if you want.
Make it look like the railway is passing through your terrain – it’s too easy to make it look like a flat railway with piles of rock either side. Many North American layouts feature dramatic mountainous scenery and are worth investigating.
Shopping List
Extruded insulation foam
Poly Fibre
Acrylic paints
Wall filler
Ground foam
Wood saw
Wire brush
Drill and drill bits
1" paint brush
Mixing bowl











Top Tips
- This job is messy, especially if you’re cutting lots of foam. You may want to use a dedicated space that's easy to clean afterwards. A vacuum cleaner is essential for cleaning up.
- Insulation board is obtainable from your local wood yard or builder’s merchant. Ask your supplier to cut it into smaller, more manageable pieces.
- Join foam sections together with a hot glue gun or specialised foam glue.
- Wear a dust mask when working with any material that produces dust.
- The finer the detail you add to a rock surface, and the lighter the colours you paint it, the more distant it’ll look in a scene. Add less surface detail to rock faces close to the viewer.
- When applying the powder filler, you may find it easier if you cut down the bristles of your brush.
So there you have it, our guide on how to model a cliff or rock face for your model railway.
If you're interested in placing trees on your layout, our online guide will help you get to grips with ‘planting’ trees on your model railway.
Looking to create bushes next? Watch one of the Woodland Scenics experts show you how.
Need more advice? Take a look at the BRM Techniques page for all our latest guides and advice articles.