Soundtraxx unveils eight function decoder

15 June 2021
Its new Tsunami2 DCC decoder is revealed, promising eight function outputs, with current capacity designed with OO gauge models in mind.

US-manufacturer, Soundtraxx has revealed its latest DCC decoder, the TSU-BH2 as an upgrade for Bachmann North American-outline sound models for HO scale. The TSU-BH2 offers eight function outputs and promises 'an easy install'. Designed as a replacement for 'Sound Value' decoders, the TSU-BH2 offers access to all the features of its Tsunami2 decoder. Its specification is as follows:

  • Dimensions: 45 x 28 x 7.5mm
  • Max. Motor Stall Current: 2A
  • Max. Function Current: 100mA per output
  • Function Outputs: 8
  • Audio Amplifier: 2 Watt, 8-Ohm Load
  • DCC Track Voltage: 7.5V – 22V
  • Sound Channels: 16

This decoder is designed to replace the factory board in the following HO Bachmann Sound Value Steam Models: 2-6-0, 2-8-0, 4-6-2, 4-8-4 Class J and GS4. For further details, including current pricing and availability, enquire at your Soundtraxx stockist.


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