Resurgam announces new rolling stock

04 October 2023
Resurgam has announced the latest additions to its rolling stock range of kits in the form of the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway ‘Carriage 8’, often referred to as the ‘Gladstone Carriage’.

This latest addition was constructed by the Metropolitan Carriage and Wagon Works in 1891. From its inception, it was designated as a ‘Tourist Carriage’ with an eye to promoting the line to visitors. It featured open ends from which visitors could enjoy less restricted views of the scenery, while the central section was fully glazed and provided a place to retreat in inclement weather.

Apart from a couple of livery changes and alterations to the roof vents, it changed little through the transition to the WHR and to the end of the original operation. After the closure of the original WHR, it found use as a garden shed, before eventually being fully restored for use by the Welsh Highland Heritage Railway, where it can be seen today.

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The kit will be available in MDF or Plywood and includes individually glazed panels with window beading in full relief as well as full interior and exterior panel detail. The very distinctive slatted seats in the open end-compartments are included with the slats supplied as frets, which can be applied in one piece to give the effect shown. The interior bench seat frames are supplied as standard but upholstery is left to the end user. Prototypical profile bogies, complete with steel wheelsets and bronze bearings are also supplied as standard.

The kit includes 3D-printed representations of the door handles and grab handles. As standard, the kit also includes ‘SLR Models’ 3D-printed ‘Door Lock Covers’, all of which are manufactured here in the UK.

Prices are either £130 for the MDF versions, or £140 for Ply.

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