Rapido reveals four new locomotives as part of Winter Announcements

10 November 2023
Four exciting new OO locomotives have been announced by the manufacturer, with all models available to pre-order now directly from the Rapido Trains website or from any of its official retailers.

SECR 0-6-0 Class O1 

First up is the OO SECR 0-6-0 Class O1, which will finally be available as a ready-to-run model.

With its fully lined livery, open cab, exposed tender springs, and highly polished brass dome and fittings, No. 65 remains one of the most elegant freight locomotives to survive into preservation. 

The SECR O1 model has been designed using a combination of archival materials and drawings, and an on-site survey of No.65 to ensure its accuracy. The model will be available in a variety of liveries covering the locomotive's history. Modellers can look forward to a smooth-running mechanism, a factory-installed speaker, a tender connection and a firebox glow. 

Priced at £199.95 DCC Ready or £309.95 DCC Sound Fitted (21-Pin), the model is currently ready for tooling, and it is hoped that samples arrive in the spring. 

Available liveries

  • SKU 966001: No.65 Wainwright Green (As Preserved)
  • SKU 966002: No.373 Wainwright Green
  • SKU 966003: No.385 SECR Grey
  • SKU 966004: No.A7 SR Lined Black (Egyptian Lettering)
  • SKU 966005: No.1437 SR Plain Black (Egyptian Lettering)
  • SKU 966006: No.1046 SR Bulleid Black
  • SKU 966007: No.1379 SR Bulleid Sunshine
  • SKU 966008: No.100 East Kent Railway Black
  • SKU 966009: No.s1065 British Railways Sunshine
  • SKU 966010: No.31064 British Railways Early Crest Unlined Black
  • SKU 966011: No.31065 British Railways Late Crest Unlined Black
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OO Gauge Port of Par Bagnall 0-4-0ST

The Port of Par ‘twins’ Alfred and Judy are possibly some of the most recognisable small industrial steam locomotives to work in the UK. 

During their long lifetime, the locomotives gained a celebrity status, not least because of their unusual size and stature but they were also some of the last working steam engines in Cornwall.. The engines became so popular that they also inspired the Rev. W. Awdry to immortalise them in his Railway Series stories as Bill and Ben, carrying a striking yellow livery.

Both locomotives can now be found on the Bodmin and Wenford Railway. Judy was returned to operational condition in 2023 whilst plans for returning Alfred to operational condition are being finalised with the intention that both locomotives will be available to work together once again.

The Port of Par Bagnall models have been designed using works drawings to ensure accuracy and feature a variety of livery options covering their history, including those sported in preservation.

‘As preserved’ lined light green and 1960s dark-lined green livery versions will be available as part of the Port of Par Twin Pack Special Editions. In addition to the two models of Alfred and Judy, these packs will feature an Illustrated booklet describing the history of the locomotives, and a postcard print of an exclusive Jonathan Clay painting. Two single locomotives will also be available in other liveries carried by the individual locomotives – this time in a standard box.

The model is currently in tooling and will be available in the following liveries;

  • SKU 968001: Port of Par Bagnall’s in Special Presentation Box Twin Pack - Lined Dark Green 
  • SKU 968002: Port of Par Bagnall’s in Special Presentation Box Twin Pack - Lined Light Green (As Preserved)
  • SKU 968003: Port of Par Bagnall - Unlined Dark Green
  • SKU 968004: Port of Par Bagnall - Alfred in Port of Par Yellow (As Preserved)


  • Twin Packs (SKU 968001 / 968002 £279.95 DCC Ready/ £499.95 DCC Sound Fitted (Next18)
  • Single Loco (SKU 968003 / 968004) RRP £139.95 DCC Ready/ £249.95 DCC Sound Fitted (Next18)

GNR Stirling Single No.1 

GNR and Pre-grouping fans will finally be able to get their hands on a ready-to-run model of No.1 in the same condition as it was restored to in the 1930s. 

With over 80 years being coupled to the smaller of the two tenders, it is fair to say that many enthusiasts associate No.1 with this longstanding low-profiled counterpart, remembering it fondly from visits to the National collection or enthusiast events.  

The Stirling Single model has been designed using a combination of archival materials and drawings, 3D scanning techniques and CAD applications. It features GNR livery, a factory-installed speaker, and a firebox glow, which can be seen easily thanks to the shallow tender.

Engineering prototypes of the new tender have already arrived and been reviewed by Rapido Trains. The order book will close on March 14th and it is hoped that both versions of Stirling Single No.1 will be available in Winter 2024. Prices for this model are either £249.95 DCC Ready or £349.95 for the DCC Sound Fitted versions (21-Pin). 

Liveries available: 

  • SKU 947001: Stirling Single No.1 - 1930 Condition
  • SKU 947002: Stirling Single No.1 - Museum Condition (Exclusive to Locomotion Models)
  • SKU 947501: Stirling Single No.1 - 1930 Condition - DCC Sound
  • SKU 947502: Stirling Single No.1 - Museum Condition - DCC Sound (Exclusive to Locomotion Models)

LNER J52/2 (GNR J13) 

This little shunter was seen the length and breadth of the GNR network, from North London to the Northeast of England and started life on the GNR, where they were classified as J13 and based on the Stirling-designed J14 (which featured a domeless boiler). The first J13s rolled off the factory floor in 1897 to work alongside their domeless counterparts on shunting duties.

In 1959, and only a couple of years before the entire class were scrapped, Captain Bill Smith stepped in and saved loco No. 68846. He became the owner of the World’s very first privately owned BR steam locomotive, and the J52/2 earned itself a permanent place in the annals of railway preservation history. The aptly and affectionately named Old Lady would live on. Once in his possession, she was repainted into her pre-grouping guise and renumbered to the iconic 1247.

The model is currently in the last design stage of development and will enter tooling shortly and is priced £164.95 DCC Ready and £279.95 DCC Sound Fitted (Next18).

Proposed liveries

  • SKU 958001: GNR J13 No.1210 GNR Green
  • SKU 958002: GNR J13 No.1234 GNR Grey
  • SKU 958003: LNER J52/2 No.1228 L&NER Black with Red Lining
  • SKU 958004: LNER J52/2 No.4226 LNER Black with Red Lining
  • SKU 958005: LNER J52/2 No.4217 LNER Plain Black with Shaded Lettering
  • SKU 958006: LNER J52/2 No.8832 NE Plain Black
  • SKU 958007: LNER J52/2 No.68817 British Railways Lettering
  • SKU 958008: LNER J52/2 No.68838 BR Unlined Black Early Crest
  • SKU 958009: LNER J52/2 No.68832 BR Unlined Black Early Crest
  • SKU 958010: LNER J52/2 No.2 BR Unlined Black Early Crest (Departmental Use)
  • LNER J52/2 No.68846 BR Lined Black Late Crest
  • GNR J13 No.1247 GNR Green 1960s Railtour Condition

All four of the new models announced are available to preorder now directly from the Rapido Trains website or from any of its official retailers.

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