22 April 2021
The Middlesbrough-based model retailer and aftermarket model spares manufacturer shares its new products, developed during the UK's most-recent lockdown.
Peter's Spares has produced numerous spares during the lockdown period as upgrades to components with a known weakness, or commonly-lost components.
Its most-recent arrivals include replacement a Bachmann square end axle set (PS117), Bachmann J72 axle set with square ends (PS118), Hornby T9 rear motor bracket (PS119), a replacement neodymium magnet for Tri-ang X03 and X04 motors, and a 10-pack of replacement Hornby (Hornby ref: S5077) TPO Mail Bags (PS121). The last-mentioned aren't suitable for Hornby Dublo models.
Further items to have arrived include a Lima dummy bogie clip for collecting power from the rear bogie to the motor and holding it secure (PS122), a replacement Hornby E2 smoke box door which can be used to convert 'Thomas' locomotives back to the normal locomotive (PS128) and a Hornby 0-6-0 'Pannier' locomotive chimney cap (PS120).
To check compatibility, or for further details on the products including current pricing and availability, visit the Peter's Spares website.
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