08 July 2019
Livery details for the forthcoming Update on the Sonic/Revolution 56XX
Sonic models, working with Revolution Trains, has confirmed the first six versions of its forthcoming GWR/BR(W) 56xx 0-6-2 locomotive in N gauge.
This locomotive is Sonic’s first powered model, and is also the first 0-6-2 model offered ready-to-run in British N gauge. It will feature NEM couplers and 6-pin decoder socket as well as prototypical differences including short or tall top feeds, original or heavy wheel weights and tapered or cylindrical buffers.
The list comprises two models in BR lined green, one in BR unlined green, one in BR unlined black and two in GWR unlined green. One of the locomotives is modelled as preserved, and Revolution will donate some of the proceeds of the sale to the owners to help its operational upkeep.
The full list is:-
S2101-01 – 5637 in lined BR Green with late crest*
S2101-02 – 6681 in lined BR Green with late crest
S2101-03 – 5633 in unlined BR Green with late crest
S2101-04 – 6639 in unlined BR Black with early emblem
S2101-05 – 5616 in GWR green with Egyptienne lettering
S2101-06 – 6623 in GREAT WESTERN green with Egyptienne lettering
*Revolution will make a donation from sales of this model to the 5637 Steam Locomotive Group to support their work.
EP1 samples have been checked, and we are now awaiting painted samples for approval before production begins.
The models are expected in late 2019 or early 2020.
Sonic and Revolution Trains have provided livery details for the forthcoming N gauge 56xx.
This is the first Chinese manufacturer coming direct to the UK market, albeit using Revolution Trains as marketing partners.
Sonic was founded by a former Kader engineer with extensive experience of UK models,who has designed numerous N and 00 models for Bachmann.
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