09 August 2019
Following the release of its China Clay Loading Facilities kit, Scalescenes is releasing a sheet to depict corrugated asbestos for scratch-builders.
Scalescenes, the download and print-at-home card kit specialist has produced a ready-to-download sheet to depict asbestos sheet in OO and N. Following on the heels of the release of its China Clay Loading Facilities kit (T029), once downloaded, the new sheets can be used to make unlimited quantities of realistically-weathered corrugated asbestos sheeting. From large agricultural sheds, to industrial warehouses, the new sheets include instructions to easily add realistic scale corrugations and its OO gauge sheets are created using the supplied embossing jig. Sheets are designed to be printed at A4 (297mm x 210mm).
Recently released, Scalescenes (T029) China Clay Loading Facilities kit includes an embossing jig to make unlimited quantities of realistically-weathered corrugated asbestos sheeting (OO version only). Proportioned walls and a detailed interior space with bunkers and enough space for a JCB or loader have been incorporated into the design. Doors can be made functional and sliding if desired. China Clay Hoods are realistically weathered to suit Bachmann OO gauge or Peco N gauge five-plank wagons.
Scalescenes (T029) China Clay Loading Facilities kit, supplied with an embossing jig in OO gauge to make corrugated sheets.
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