21 February 2019
Now with Hornby stockists, edition 65 of the Hornby catalogue at 197-pages sees new products and liveries added.
Hornby's new Model Railways and Accessories Catalogue arrived in the office this morning. Seen as much as an item for the collector as it is for the passing enthusiast at a local model shop to glance through the Hornby range of products to get ideas and background information, 2019 marks the 65th edition of the catalogue.
William Stanier's Princess Royal 4-6-2 'Pacifics' are the flagship models of the range recently announced. We saw delivery of the first streamlined iterations late-2018, with more batches following shortly afterwards and earlier this year. The newly-tooled unstreamlined models announced at Margate last year will be No. 6201 (R3709), No. 46206 (R3711) and No. 46207 (R3713). All are available DCC-fitted with the addition of the 'X' suffix to the 'R' number. All are expected to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2019.
In traditional style, a vibrant painted image adorns the cover of the 2019 catalogue, this time 'Princess Royal' 4-6-2 No. 46208
The catalogue dedicates a short section to the background history of each newly-tooled item and highlights the number of detailed components which are required for each new item.
With CAD artwork at such an advanced stage for many of the newly-tooled items, Hornby has favoured these in the catalogue rather than rendered artists' impressions.
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