05 June 2019
DJ Models has entered receivership on the 6th June 2019.
After several days of speculation, DJ Models entered receivership on the 6th June. A full notice to this effect has been published in the London Gazette.
The firm produced a number of models, including a J94 in conjunction with Hattons and a Class 71 electro-diesel, claiming to be the first crowd-funded model. An ambitious programme of future releases had been promised, with initial payments under the crowd-funding scheme collected for some of these.
No statement has so far been issued by either Dave Jones, owner of DJM, or CG & Co. the firm apparently appointed to handle the closure and disposal of any assets.
Digitrains, who was working with DJM on an N gauge King George V has said "All projects have been cancelled. Including the new N gauge King class in all guises and consequently our sound fitted versions of number 6000 too.".
It appears that, according to a couple of sources, the APT-P project will not progress either.
No information is available to assist those who have paid money into the crowdfunding schemes to suggest how they may recover some or all of it. However, if you paid by credit card or PayPal, there is a thread running on RMweb discussing options.
There are statements from those DJM has been working with on the future of those projects:
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