03 February 2022
Legacy Models, sister company to DCC Concepts expands its layout-orientated offerings with track and rail joiners.
Legacy Models has released new detailed Code 75 and Code 100 wooden sleeper, flat-bottomed flexible track. Manufactured to 16.5mm gauge and compatible with existing products from Peco, rails have a high-nickel content for 'real steel' realism.
A new range of metal and insulating rail joiners are being released, too, all available exclusively from DCC Concepts (its sister brand) and Rails of Sheffield.
Legacy Models' new Code 75 and Code 100 flexible track is said to offer a more realistic look thanks to its high-nickel content, improved sleeper spacing and scale, to better represent OO gauge track. Track also features detailed chairs.
Its Code 75 and Code 100 metal joiners are much smaller and are designed to be slid easily onto the ends of track to help installation.
Richard Brighton, Sales Manager for DCC Concepts and Legacy Models said, "The joiners are phosphor-bronze and the sleepers are moulded plastic. All joiners are entirely compatible with Hornby and Peco equivalent track, and are more comfortable to install"
For current pricing and availability, see the DCC Concepts and Rails of Sheffield websites.
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