27 October 2022
Bachmann Europe presents model of BR Standard 4MT 2-6-0 to the 76084 Locomotive Company Limited.
Main image: Richard Bonnett, Director of the 76084 Locomotive Company Limited accepts model from Bachmann Europe's Rail Brand Manager, Richard Proudman.
On Tuesday October 18, 2022 Bachmann Europe visited the North Norfolk Railway to present a model of resident BR Standard 4MT 2-6-0 76084 to the locomotive owning group. The presentation took place at Sheringham station with the model accepted by Richard Bonnett, Director of the 76084 Locomotive Company Limited.
76084 was outshopped in 1957 and operated across the north west of England until withdrawal in December 1967. Moving to Woodham Brothers Scrapyard in Barry the following year, the locomotive languished there for more than 14 years and after unsuccessful attempts, was saved for preservation, leaving Barry in 1983 after being purchased privately.
After acquiring the locomotive from the previous owner’s estate in 1997, the 76084 Locomotive Company Limited was formed and the group embarked on restoring the Standard 4MT to running condition for the first time since withdrawal in 1967. Some 16 years later and following completion of its restoration by the North Norfolk Railway, 76084 returned to steam in 2013 and has been a stalwart of NNR services ever since. The locomotive’s ten year boiler ticket has been extended by 14 months to the end of 2023, at which time a full overhaul will be required before it can be steamed again.
The Bachmann Branchline OO gauge model of 76084 (32-954A) is available from Bachmann stockists, and can also be purchased from the 76084 Locomotive Company’s website, or the North Norfolk Railway’s Sheringham Station Shop, with proceeds from sales supporting the upcoming overhaul of the locomotive.

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