HM DCC – now available for Android

21 June 2023
Hornby's flagship new wireless control system made available for Android mobile devices.

Hornby's recently-introduced Bluetooth control system, HM7000, has become more accessible thanks to a new App, available to download from the Google Play store for Android device users.

Released upon launch for iOS (Apple) users only, the system can now be used by Apple and Android users, widening its compatibility with model railway enthusiasts. Apps are free-to-download. With the correct decoders installed in compatible locomotives, these are 'linked' via Bluetooth and made operational under the control system.

Related: Hornby: HM DCC Demo and Q&A

Hornby's range of sound profiles currently totals 26, with more promised. An explanation of the HM DCC system can be found here.

Meanwhile, Hornby has circulated positive feedback received by its HM7000 users:

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Steve Croucher: “I love how you can change settings real time, a very powerful characteristic of this system.”

Wilf Ames: “The sounds are impressively loud and clear from such a small speaker”.

David Squires, Hornby Forum Moderator: “Some of the features provided by the app (e.g. a de-couple option that moves the loco a few millimetres, or the ability to set a time on a function) are very clever and there are many more.”

Visit the Google Play store if on Android, or App Store if on iOS to download the HM DCC app. 


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