30 November 2022
Coleford Town Centre's model shop reveals its second exclusive commission for OO gauge.
Derails has announced and exclusive run of Rapido Trains GWR Shirtbutton B-Set. This, its second OO gauge exclusive commission model lacks regional allocation markings, giving modellers a blank canvas. Delivery is estimated for late-2023/early-2024.
The coach numbers chosen are 6381 and 6382 and its RRP is £169.95, however pre-ordering today reduces the price by 15% for a limited period, matching the price of the main range releases at £144.45.
A stalwart of Great Western Branch Line passenger services, the B-set was compiled of a pair of non-corridor brake ends in a fixed formation. They were of composite design with two first class compartments and ten third class compartments per set, along with two guards vans and luggage areas and could be seen on the majority of GWR branch lines.
Pre-production artwork, subject to change.
Often used on the same routes, many sets were branded with regional set marking for the location they ran, however some sets didn't. The set being produced in GWR shirtbutton livery by Rapido in the main release is allocated and marked for Bodmin, however to cater for modellers with layouts set in other regions of the GWR, the Derails commission is regionally un-marked meaning it could theoretically have run anywhere from Bristol to Taunton, South Wales or even Worcestershire. It also lends itself to modellers applying their own regional markings after purchase, should they wish to do so.
Models are expected to be the most detailed RTR B-sets made, with a detailed interior, many separately-fitted details and working lights. Deposits of £10 are being taken to secure models via the Derails website, or in store.
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