21 February 2024
Accurascale’s tooling suite of Mk. 1 suburban coaches allows modellers to recreate a rake of these workhorses for the first time in a ready-to-run format.
With the first batch of carmine and blue coaches nearing completion at the factory and due in stock in quarter two of this year, Accurascale can turn its attention to the maroon coaches.
Accurascale is offering the Midland Region BS, C, S and SO in Maroon, with and without lining. The lined Midland vehicles typically carried their lining lower than the BR spec, to match against the lined Stanier stock. Accurascale will also be covering the Scottish Region, with a BS, C and S in Maroon, all lined, but in BR and Stanier positions. Being based on circa 1962 photos, the First Class yellow stripe has now appeared.
Specification includes full interior lighting and fully detailed interior, previously offered in BR all-over carmine and BR all-over rail blue.
Production of these coaches begins soon, with the decorated samples pictured provided when Accurascale first received samples from the blue and carmine production run (explaining the wobbly foot boards, which will be corrected on production models to be arrow straight!) and delivery will be in early 2025.
Available to pre-order now, the price will be the same as the first production run at £64.95 each.
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