13 February 2020
The initial range of 4 transfer packs has been produced with white and black numbering and industrial lettering in a range of styles and sizes suited for internal user wagons. In addition there are National Coal Board, British Coal and British Steel markings as well as two styles of industrial style wasp striping. The range allows for rolling stock, road vehicles, signage and even clothing to be tailored to a more industrial setting.
These waterslide transfers are custom drawn for use in 1:76 scale, but they may find use in other scales. A range of further styles is in development including specific wagon packs for Industrial wagons.
PIC-001 - Industrial Transfers White - £7
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PIC-002 - Industrial Transfers Black - £6
PIC-003 - Industrial Transfers British Steel - £6
PIC-004 - Industrial Transfers Wasp Striping - £6
All prices include UK delivery - international added at cost.
More details on the Planet Industrials website.
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